First 30 min free consulting!
We have years of experience developing thin films, controlling their properties and applications.
Electron Beam and Thermal Evaporation: Tool setup, selection of evaporation charges, boat selection, process development, thickness control, stress control, adhesion improvement, ion assistance, temperature control, vacuum issues , particle control, characterization and measurement etc.
Sputtered films: Dielectric and metal film sputtering, semiconductor, optical, solar cell and other functional coatings, transparent conductive coatings, stress and adhesion control, D.C./R.F. diode and Magnetron deposition techniques, Pulsed D.C sputtering, Magnetic film sputtering, Alloy and compound film sputtering.
Contact us for expert advice, published literature and applications help.
First 30 min are free. Published literature search will need minimum of 4 hours.